NEW: Join our loyalty program for exclusive benefits!
We are very excited to announce that we are launching our exclusive Rewards Program. In this blog post, you will discover how you can enjoy exceptional benefits, earn points with every purchase and redeem them for exclusive discounts or gifts!
Step 1
Click the green button at the bottom right of the screen to discover all the reward options.
Step 2
Become a Confetti Mill member to unlock exciting perks; this is your all access pass to exclusive rewards.
Step 3
Go to "Points" section to earn more points for different actions, and go to "Ways to earn" learn how to turn those Points into awesome rewards!
Then, go to "Ways to redeem" to know the value of your points.
Step 4
Go to the top section called "Your rewards" to know how many points are available for you.
Step 5
Click on you coupon to get the discount code and click on "Apply code".
Don't forget that you can also give your friends a reward and claim your own when they make a purchase. They get a $5 coupon, and so are you!
There you go! Hope you enjoy ;)